Thursday, April 12, 2007

Manners and Mores

Does anyone use manners anymore? Even in a business environment, some people are just rude.

"Oh, so sorry, I forgot we had a meeting."
"Oh, so sorry, I got detained by something else."
"Oh, so sorry, I was running the roads and completely forgot you were coming."

Each night this week, I've had an Arbonne appointment set up. I was glad my week was busy and purposeful. Each night has turned out ... zip, zilch, nada. Why do people make appointments and not keep them? It's discouraging to me and also disrespects my time. sigh

Also this week, true stories:
One church lady admits living with boyfriend, is confronted by staff member, resigns positions of responsibility, talks with pastor about marriage plans.
Another church lady (different church, different culture) is living with boyfriend and is on their church's pastor search committee. No marriage plans evident.
Both Christians, both know this is sin and not part of God's plan. One is "chastised", one is not, by their peers.


Lydia said...

Sorry for the disappointing week. I've forgotten meetings before, so I'll say from their side that there's really nothing more they can say than "Sorry." Everything else is just fluff. So they weren't trying to be rude; you just had a run of honest mistakes all in one week! Maybe a reminder call to them the evening before would help? "I'm looking forward to chatting with you tomorrow, and was just calling to confirm our time" or something like that?

The reason people forget (sometimes) is that it's not of utmost importance to them. Find what it is that's really important to them in regards to your products (looking younger w/o surgery, nest egg for retirement, staying home with kids,...) and hone in on that when scheduling the meeting, so it will stay in their minds better.

In regard to the churches, it seems the first church has found the line between "forgiveness" and "judgment." Usually churches end up too far to one side or the other, as the second church has. As came up in the discussion about pop culture media on my blog, it's difficult for us to find that line, ourselves, with our friends.

Margie said...

I totally understand your frustrations with appointment cancellations. It happens all the time at our dental office. "Oh, I forgot.", etc. I know the dentist isn't as exciting as a hair lady appoint, but come on! Being a punctual person, it just doesn't make sense. I also put priority on my teeth, so we always made our appointments growing up.

Lindsey said...

I have been similarly frustrated with what seems to be a lack of common courtesy. I get really frustrated when I see the thoughtlessness of my students, but then when I interact with some of their parents, I realize where they learned it from.

It's quite belated...but I like your new blogger site.

Leanna said...

Besides this, one of my other favorite behaviors is when someone volunteers you for something in front of other people!

I'm sorry, I tought I got to run my own life. My mistake!