Friday, April 6, 2007


When I was a little girl growing up in Dallas, my parents took me every Easter to one of two places for photographs: Turtle Creek or the park on E.Grand Ave. (I don't remember the name). These venues were full of azaleas. My brother and I stood for the photos as my children would do in the future. This photo of my mother and me was taken in our backyard. My dress was yellow with a chiffon duster. I thought I was beautiful. Notice my mom's hat, purse, and gloves. All were "de rigueur" in the 1960's.

Our kids' photos were generally made at home, however. We had those beautiful azaleas in our own backyard in Orange. Some Easters we were in Dallas and photos were made in g'parents' back yard. This photo was in 1986, and it's one of my favorite photos of my children.

Why do parents take these photos? Perhaps because we're all dressed up in "Easter finery" , or because it's a significant annual occasion, a time ready-made for photo ops. I wish, in a way, we had taken the photos in the same place every year so that we would have a visual record of our children's growth compared to that site. I wasn't a scrapper in those days, so I didn't think about what would make a good scrapbook page in the future!

Anyway, from generation to generation, Easter photos are a given.


cturkett said...

You are right about that taken on Easter were always so very pretty. I would post pics here but I don't think I can so please go to my blog (at

and see my beautiful pictures too!
All of this depends of course on whether or not I can scan the pics in and if I can find the pics I'm remembering without much delay. Wish me luck!

cturkett said...

Carolyn, I found some pics I think you would like...looks like the Dickinson family at Easter to I'll put them on my blog...


Margie said...

My grandmother consistently took photos of my sister and I in my corner of their home. It was quite exciting to watch us as we grew up. Who would have known my sister and I would live in that house throughout college, after my grandmother past away. Who would have known that corner would be where we would hang out and finally, after so many years...become friends. It's a great thing to have photo memories like we did in that corner, in that house. Great stuff.

P.S. Lyd's so cute. Precious!

KarenD said...

Aw, little John in a pin-striped suit... too cute!