Thursday, July 15, 2010

Another month

Another month has passed and it's the middle of JULY! Goodness!

Since Kountze, I spent a week in SA packing boxes and sightseeing with my adopted granddaughter, Nicole. Then a week in Palestine with Ian and Nicole (Karen joined us later). Then Lydia and Caleb arrived, Karen and sons left, and I made decisions about paint for my bedroom (next week's project).

So after Lydia leaves and I give this house a good cleaning (!), I will dismantle my bedroom to repaint it a soft aqua color. I'm leaving the black and white toile decor and tweaking the accessories to suit. It's been a while since I've done a decorating project in my house, and I"m excited about the change.

A date to a local play on Sunday, a quick trip to Mansfield next weekend, and LOTS of scrapbooking in August will lead to the fall activities:
September: new baby in AR
October: scrapbook retreat in Weatherford, hosting Guion Music Club
November: Thanksgiving celebration (location?) and Caleb's 2nd birthday

Have I mentioned I'm glad I retired? haha