Sunday, May 20, 2007


Hub and I celebrated our 33rd anniversary yesterday. It was a beautiful day just as it was back in 1974 when we married.

Hub planned the day. First, the morning at the zoo. It was crowded with people of all ages, and the animals were playful. The aviary was fully of gorgeous feathered friends. Lunch at the Chakula Cafe allowed us to watch the giraffes and elephants, wildebeests and emus. After we left the zoo, we shopped all afternoon. While at the mall, I treated hub to a 10 minute chair massage. The masseuse really worked him over, and he was sore afterwards! oops!

Adfter eating an early dinner at Clear Springs Seafood Restaurant (delicious), we were stuffed! We had a couple of hours to kill before movie time, so we stopped at Gander Mountain for hub to shop some more. He found a gun safe of the type and size he'd been searching for.

Had to stand in line for 30 minutes at the Jacksonville movie theater. Everyone was there to see "ShrekIII". Not us. Our movie was Nicholas Cage in "Next". It was pretty good, but parts of the story were recognizable strains of "Butterfly Effect", "National Treasure", and other Hollywood genres. Still, a great adventure thriller. Also starred Julianne Moore and Jessica Biel.

We had a great day and enjoyed spending the time together.


KarenD said...

Good, I'm glad among all your work, work, work, you found time to play and celebrate your marriage!

Happy Anniversary!

KarenD said...

I can't comment on the zoo post for some reason. And I don't know how to post the video... unless you posted it to YouTube, then it links up nicely with blogger (you just have to give it your login info). Lydia does stuff with Google video, I think.

Do they charge for the Tyler Zoo now? When John took me there while we were dating, we didn't have to pay. I remember being really impressed. It was such a nice zoo for being free.

cturkett said...

33 years is a long time! I think it's very special that we both have chosen the best men for spending our lives together! As we prepare to depart for our Alaskan cruise here at the end of my teaching career I am so very glad to have something else to focus on rather than the melancholy of finishing 25 years of teaching small children.

Jim has been coming up to school each day to help me get everything finished. I have brought home most of my "hard-back" well as a bunch of the other paper backs that are enjoyable books to me...

This morning we had our Awards Day ceremon

Leanna said...

Happy Anniversary. You got a great one!

Margie said...

Happy Belated Anniversary. Sounds like you had a jam-packed day of fun and quality time.