Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Here are some recent pictures of Caleb. He's just learning to vocalize. This kid loves to shriek!! Yep, that sweet face will turn red, the lower lip quivers, then a high-pitched shriek erupts. However, there are also shrieks of joy. In that case, he grins so big, opens his mouth and wiggles all over as the shriek erupts. Ear-splitting volume. High pitch. Energy.
Mostly, though, the trick is figuring out which is the happy shriek and which is the angry shriek because they can change immediately. Both ways. Back and forth.
Gotta love this face. I'm glad he's found his voice. I can't wait till he can say "Grandma."

1 comment:

Lydia said...

Yes, he's definitely a shrieker. I've found he does it most when he's tired. His normal voice is very sweet, though. :)