Saturday, May 2, 2009

Ian Visits Grandpa's Office

Friday, Ian and his mom made a quick visit to Palestine. We stopped in at Grandpa's office to pick him up for lunch. Ian loved the telephone on Sue's desk,
the singing birthday card in Kristi's office (he danced to the tune),

the stairs that connect the buildings,

and running in the parking lot.
He did NOT like being told a) to get back in the car, b) no you can't go outside yet, c) this way Ian, d) don't touch.

After naptime, we made a quick trip to the grocery store. He was pretty tired by then!
We enjoyed their visit so much!

1 comment:

Lydia said...

What does Ian have in his hands in that first picture? A cookie and a....shotgun shell??

He looks like he was a little tornado all day!