Monday, April 6, 2009

ER visit

We had an emergency vet visit this afternoon with Gunny. He was listless all last evening and today, staying in one spot, not eating or drinking. Felt of him this! When hub got home at 4 we went to the vet. Gunny's temp was 105ยบ! He has inflamed gums. They're bright red and bleeding a little. The vet diagnosed gingivitis, gave him two shots and a rx for amoxicillin. Hopefully, Gunny will feel better tomorrow. Poor kitty!


KarenD said...

Wow, feline gingivitis? Who knew it would knock him out like that? Poor little guy.

Lydia said...

So Daddy was right when he thought Gunny was feeling bad. Glad y'all were paying attention, and I hope he feels better soon!